The Commoner

Everyone has a blog these days. Tell a prospective employer that you are a blogger, and she will scoff at you because every itty-bitty teeny-tiny person has a blog where they pour out their feelings on about everything.  So you insist that yours is different and add in impressive words and phrases to make it look like you mean business. Something that is on the lines of “human behavior”, “political theories”, something that conveys to them that you are a serious writer and that you mean business. Until then, having a blog is like getting 10 CGPA in class 10- easily attainable, never taken seriously.

Nevertheless, everyone has a blog these days. You might wonder how people come together to form one.  Well, here is how. Mostly the group has people with no job prospects whatsoever unless they work really hard and create a platform for themselves where they can showcase whatever limited talents they possess. The idea of creating a blog usually comes up during one of those regular sessions when everybody is moaning and groaning about the atrocities that life has been continuously throwing at them since what feels like forever. The genius (in this case me, thus a genius) who drops in the idea whines and protests and goads until the rest of them agree and are sufficiently excited about the prospect of creating a blog space that belongs just to the group- exclusive and unique.

Thus starts the long, excruciating process of deciding the face of the blog. This might sound like the easiest, but when you have six people milling around one thing there is a lot of tension throwing in ideas like one throws in random spices to cook a horrid curry. And it ain’t pleasant. Everybody finally comes to agree to one theme, and most importantly, one username which marks the enthusiastic start of the blog. Everyone is excited and posting unfailingly. Months go by and the enthusiasm is still up and running, just like the blog. But then semesters approach and pending assignments creep up on them and stick like leeches. So everybody decides to take some time off writing, because no one can handle the pressure that is now steadily mounting (duh!).

Now, exams are over. There is no pressure whatsoever. But we still have not posted much. That is what happens when a team of slackers comes together to create magnificence. But we will get back up and present to you amazing stuff. So follow us and like every post that catches your eye. You better do that.

Canne Subhadra

Travel to Unravel!


“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines, Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails.  Explore. Dream. Discover.”  – Mark Twain.

There must have been some reason that these words always leave me in a state of thought. I used to love moving around with my bicycle as a kid, always falling or tripping over one thing or the other, breaking my nose, bruising my hands and legs. But as i grew up, i realized i was totally an outdoor person, never sitting at one place for even an hour. I wished to discover. I FEEL WANDERLUST.

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